Who is Steven D Kelley?

Steven D Kelley is a Laser Electro Optics Engineer, Laser pioneer and inventor who created Laser Aiming Weapon Systems for military use. He was contracted through the NSA, CIA and other government agencies to provide high precision laser technology through his company S.K. Industries.

After a career as a jeweler and a Precision Optical Engineer, Steven became a laser pioneer, creating the world’s smallest laser aiming system, dominating the world solid state laser module production through a contract with the NSA Oliver North Gang.

This would ultimately lead to the formation of S.K. Industries, laser aiming systems, who would produce the LAW-17 laser aiming system, designed for and used by Western special groups for anti-terrorism. The Law-17 laser is still to this day the most accurate laser aiming system ever produced. The same laser was a standard spec component for every Satellite due to its small size and stability.


Create A Country For Every Citizen

The Future We Need

Steven D Kelley, the
Next Country Leader

No Party Affiliation

F. A 2018

Steven D Kelley

The Campaign Issues

The main issues Steven D Kelley will address with his political platform.

Abolition of the Federal reserve system, and the establishment of a non fiat currency

Repatriation of all equity from Federal reserve system, domestic, and abroad

Implementation of secure borders to ensure integrity of new monetary system

Complete inventory of all Gold reserves, including wealth stored in NSA bunkers

Overhaul banking, and usury, change laws for brokerage, insurance, and banking

Complete overhaul of American security agencies, including NSA, CIA, FBI, HS, etc.

The return of the first amendment, and the removal of corporate control over free speech

Term limits in Congress, and the banning, of insider trading by members

End all tenure of career bureaucrats in US Government

Review entire foreign aid practice

American energy for America first

Release and exonerate Julian Assange

Prevent any prohibition of family aid to homes where the father is present

Complete review of all foreign policy, and the end of the support for the American coup in Ukraine

A real removal of all mafia from American politics, and a shut down of mafia operations world wide

Re-industrialize the USA, reverse the print money, make nothing doctrine in effect now

Bring all Taiwanese semi-conductor production to the USA with any Taiwanese that want to live here

Engage Russia in an effort to solve the Fukishima problem so that we may all live

Complete budget overhaul including NON-DISCRETIONARY spending

Remove all laws protecting Drug companies from lawsuits

End all vaccine programs until new evaluations of the entire program have been completed

Return American medicine to non-profit, and pursue those that have abused our funds

Rescind law allowing mainstream media to report lies to American public

A national campaign to plant trees in urban areas

Remove any ban on Cannabis, and release any person convicted of nonviolent Cannabis related crimes

Remove all gender alteration, and end the war on testosterone

Remove spyware, back doors from consumer devices, compensate consumers

Take control of all high speed internet encryption

Hold all service providers, including utilities to a serving the public policy, and not the profit system in place now

Overhaul American school system, including the banning of teacher's unions

Fair social security to people who paid in, with realistic adjustments for dollar value paid in

Release ion drive technology to consumers, and American aviation industry

Create a national agency to absorb MIC outside of the CIA

Remove all military from Syria, and Iraq, lift ALL sanctions

A national campaign to bring scalar tech to the auto industry to lower pollution

An end to maritime law in the USA, and the removal of gold trim from all flags of the USA

The DE-militarization of the police, and an end to asset forfeiture laws

Ban on all digital currency products

Banning of any dual citizen from holding any office in the USA

Ban GMO food, and the right to patent life

Ban Geo-engineering, retract any global warming initiatives

Ban Crispr tech, and prohibit any product from any country where this is used

Ban on all foreign ownership of land, or corporations, or banks in the USA

Ban on anything coming into the USA without inspection, for any reason, including art

Ban any late term abortion unless the mother's life is in danger

Promote the spay and neutering of pets, and ban kill shelters


A Community Driven

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Committee To Elect Steven D Kelley For President 2024
Organization established to coordinate Steven Kelley's presidential campaign
Ramping up of National Support
Through grass-root efforts, Steven D Kelley gains National Recognition
Presidential Debates
Public appearances and debates ramp up towards the election
Steven D Kelley's Presidential Inauguration
we are ready for change

On Election Day, VOTE FOR KELLEY!

we are ready for change

The Future is Here.

The Future is Here.

Steven D Kelley